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Organization Events

Sprng Fling
Event Date:

Spring Fling 2012

Starts: 9am

Location: On the Docks


  • 8:30 - Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00 - Work Parties start
  • 12:00 - Lunch
  • 1:00 - 2:30 - Continue with work parties if needed
  • 6:00 - Watch Alan and Dana Cook
  • 7:30 - Dinner


  • Install remaining deck screws in fingers
  • Install remaining rub rail
  • Repairs to flag pole
  • Get water turned on and address any remaining issues

Wrap Up:

We had a verry successful work party. Deck screws and rub rail were installed, the flag poll was repaired, and some electrical issues were addressed.
Dinner was great. The food was excellent (thanks Danna and Alan) and the party well attended. We did our best but were unable to finish the shrimp.




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